Mariana Rodríguez Alcocer
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
Al acostarme, mullí la almohada y guardé silencio justo a la misma hora en la que la noche anterior había escuchado los gemidos. Sabía que lo más seguro era que la mujer no se dedicara a la misma actividad, sin embargo, no tardaron en escucharse de nuevo extraños ruidos. Me podía imaginar a la mujer que moraba en la casa de al lado, una mujer voluptuosa, de caderas prominentes y grandes pechos, vestida con un largo camisón de seda blanca...
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
Ah, too lovely, too lovely!
Oh, and far down inside her the deeps parted and rolled asunder, in long, fair-travelling billows, and ever, at the quick of her, the depths parted and rolled asunder, from the centre of soft plunging, as the plunger went deeper and deeper, touching lower, and she was deeper and deeper and deeper disclosed, the heavier the billows of her rolled away to some shore, uncovering her, and closer and closer plunged the palpable unknown, and further and further rolled the waves of herself away from herself leaving her, till suddenly, in a soft, shuddering convulsion, the quick of all her plasm was touched, she knew herself touched, the consummation was upon her, and she was gone. She was gone, she was not, and she was born: a woman.
lunes, 11 de abril de 2011
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